KUKI Arts and Crafts Fair 2017

A week has gone by already since Mosaik Scrappers went out on the road to participate in the KUKI art and craft market in Kehlen. The weather was glorious and the organization was spot on. Katherine, Lena and myself had a prime spot opposite the Salle de Musique so there was alot of traffic passing by and lots of interest for our tent.

We divided ourselves into two halves, I had half of the tent selling hand made books, cards and notebook covers and the other half was being run by Katherine and Lena where they had a Make and Take table creating ATC’s for anyone who wanted to stop.  There are lots of photos on our Facebook page if you want to take a look it’s at facebook.com/Mosaik-Scrappers you’re welcome to join us.

Eventually a winner was picked at random from the ATC participants who will receive a small card kit from Katherine.

A massive thank you to Katherine and Lena for helping on the stand and Congratulations to the winner. Thanks also to Katherine for providing the prize for the ATC.

Jaine x

About basementgal

Mother of 3 girlies, total craft addict and sometimes teacher of crafty stuff.
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